Taken from: lyndsayanderson.blogspot.com
One day, everything is going to be fine. I know it is a bit of a cliché but that is the truth. It speaks of the fact that change is but the only constant thing in this world thus there remains nothing permanent and certain in this world. Even the certainty of the uncertain is not certain.

The constant movement enables us to experience more than what we have bargained for. We are able to be acquainted with the many facets of life –both the positive and negative sides that is. More so, we are taught to explore even beyond what we are capable of as we partake in a journey that is as unpredictable as a girl’s cycle. In short, the intensity of life could not be grasped and fathomed by the human mind itself; it takes more than free will to understand what life really is.

 Just like life, love is as unpredictable as the weather; it is not easily understood as it could not be defined. The very definition of love rests upon our own understanding of it. We experience love thus we are able to explain it in our subjective parlance. That explains the gigantic and immeasurable meanings as to what love is.

They say experience is but the best teacher thus whenever we fall in love we are blinded by the love that we feel towards another. More so, we detach from the growing demand of the public thus making us lost of the reality that we are in. When in love and asked what is the meaning of love, we cannot outright express our thoughts as the fleeting feeling lingers in us. However, with tragedy comes the rationale that we posses. Yes, we become so in touch with the world that we are able to appreciate love and the experience we just had. In short, the moment we feel an intense shifting in our feelings, we are fast in deriving the meaning of love. We conclude on what we feel thus we have different notions of love per se.

Although it is but normal, one must be in touch with his innate self before he is to come up with a conclusion on a one-liner premise about love. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying that it is unacceptable but it should not be the end all and be all of love. The conclusion simply adheres to the raw sensory data gathered from the external world, processed and interpreted by the mind and expressed by the self; there is more to it than what meets the eye.

Study Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and learn to control your urges to conclude on the vastness  of the many facets of life.

Taken from radicallychristian.com
They say always keep a positive outlook in life. Always be inspired and motivated in order to be happy. However, do we still need to acquire something to be happy or are we already happy on our own?

Understanding the composition of the way we live our life is considered futile and irrelevant to begin with. It’s futile and irrelevant as we need not look outside the self to be happy. Although considered limited, we have the capacity to implement happiness on our own. Basically, we have it in our hands – the key to our happiness that is.

In the beginning, we seek to be empowered from the outside to the inside. A flow of energy that we think could help us be motivated and inspired at the same time. We search high and low and most often than not, we end up frustrated as we are able to find temporary happiness and not the real and genuine one. Through the various trial and errors stumbled upon, we begin to understand and rationalize on the idea that what we are yearning for is already upon us.

The self is composed of the innate and external self. The latter is basically composed of the outside world and other individuals aside from himself while the former connotes those that he already posses since birth but does not necessarily imply of hereditary qualities. Given that, we can conclude that, with both our external and innate selves, we are able to produce a certain degree and kind of happiness that is only available for us. In other words, we are bursting and overflowing with certain qualities that could help us be motivated and inspired at the same time thus no need to search for it outside.

Although in life, we need some form of temporary happiness to help us get by, still we revert back to the self in relation to the need to be innately empowered and happy at the same time.  The innate self is most powerful as it can salvage a drowning self; it serves as the platform for being who we are and living the life that we have always wanted.  The ability of the innate self allows the whole self to propel towards the path that which leads him to the achievement of his goals and objectives in life. In other words, it is the innate self that encourages the self to move and never get stuck in the moment.

Thus, it is duly important that the innate self, together with the external self, be appropriately empowered in relation to its quest for a better, fuller and richer life ahead. One key player in this is the discovery of Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP for brevity, in the self. Learn NLP and be NLP equipped before it is too late.

                                            Now the question is, are you innately empowered?   

Taken from: momitforward.com
Life is what we make of it. It is not dependent upon anybody’s definition nor is it reliant upon a particular one. It flows like the water in the ocean thus it is unstoppable. In short, life’s very definition relies on one’s ability to live his life.

Although meanings and definitions on what life is has been said and been used by many other individuals, it is still not sufficient to encapsulate what life really is. To attempt proves of one’s ability to conquer the many slopes of life and never giving up enables him to sway from the many dictates of the society to stop. Yes, there are those who would applaud you for the attempt but, on the contrary, there are those who would stop you from furthering your quest. They say it’s jealousy, and I think so, too, but come to think of it, it is more than jealousy even.

Of what that attitude is would remain a mystery. Feelings and emotions are involved thus it is difficult to meddle in, intellectually that is. When emotions are involved, the intellect tends to shut down and vice versa. However, that should not be the case. That should never be the case.

Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP for brevity, allows both the intellect and emotions to work together. Utopia, as it may seem, but with NLP it is possible. Triggering the unity between the neurological and linguistic abilities of the individual through specifically designed trainings and seminars paves the way for the individual to experience bliss in the self.

Yes, a blissful yet painstaking life is what NLP is all about. Realization of the life you have and of the possible one that you will have are meddled in thus emotions and feelings from the past would be rekindled. It is then but inevitable that the past would be excavated thus it might disrupt the way you are already living your life.

NLP works backward then forward. It seeks to help the empowerment of the self through a reflection of the past and at the same time learning how to let it go. Yes, NLP seeks to rebuild your own self through your own initiative. You become aware of your past, present and future altogether thus making it easier for you to be attentive of your life in general.

Indeed, you are the only one who could define what life is. Though universally accepted to exist, life that is, still its very definition lies on our own ability to decipher and fathom it. I make my own life thus I can answer what life is.